Here you can show your support for the programming and educational work from Thomas Tempelmann by sending him some money.
Here are the "products" Thomas is asking to get a little donation for:
Zip Package for Xojo (REALbasic)
The Zip Package has been developed during many weeks. Before version 3.0, a donation was kind of voluntary (it was actually mandatory, being shareware, but that didn't work out too well).
Now the price for this package is US$ 35. You'll get a license code in return that unlocks the ZipFolderItem class for use in built apps.
Find Any File
Find Any File payment page.
Other works
There are some free applications, such as iBored. Thomas does not require you do pay for these applications, but if you feel you like to send him some money for either of them, he'll appreciate it.
Pay for Zip Package (Paypal)
You get to make Thomas happy with each donation he receives, because it keeps him alive and eager to do more helpful work.
You also get to appreciate more what you made the donation for. You will feel good about it and be more interested in using the software.
Last but not least, you will get an e-mail from Thomas thanking you for your recognition of his contribution(s).